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Saturday, 25 August 2012

Say Cheez!! - Operation Smile concert!

On the 3rd of August 2012, Operation Smile Singapore Student Chapter @ River Valley organised a fundraising concert ‘Say Cheez!’ at Boon Lay Community Centre. The event was graced by Mr Lawrence Wong, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Education & Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts.  

It was a meaningful and fulfilling experience for the audience, performers and organising committee alike. It was the first time for many of the organising committee members to put together such a large scale event and the performers also made time to come down for rehearsals after school to practice for their performance. The thought of being able to raise funds to help these children receive medical treatment to give them a new lease of life spurred us on through difficulties.  

Everyone present on Friday night definitely enjoyed themselves and was treated to the spectacular performances prepared by their peers despite their busy work schedules. Performances ranging from singing, dancing to even diabolo and beat-boxing!  The Silent Sirens, Amber, Glenvicia,Yunqi and Heather’s band, Okaycan, Nicole and Shao Hao engaged the audiences through their beautiful voices. The D.lab Crew and J-ream liven the atmosphere with their dance. The performance of diabolo was an eye opener for many and kept the audience in awe. One of our organising committee member, Tze Chong, even beat-boxed and got the audience to join in along with him. 

We would like to thank the following groups of people, without which Say Cheez! would not have been such a huge success. Our utmost gratitude goes to: Bridge Learning, our sponsor for the event; the Boon Lay CC Youth Executive Committee for their help; Operation Smile Singapore Student Chapter Excos for offering help and advice; Raimie and Livia, our emcees for the night; Samuel and Michelle, our PA crew; Ashley, Brandon and Morgan, our backstage crew; and of course all our friends, parents and teachers for supporting us in one way or another.  

All the time and hardwork put in for the past few months were definitely worth it, and we are happy to know that all the funds raised will go a long way in helping the kids be able to ‘Say Cheez!’