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Monday, 7 March 2011

Student Chapters

Hwa Chong Institution (College Section)

14 February 2011 was not only Valentine’s Day but also a day in which greater awareness of Operation Smile was created within the school population. Mr.Justyn Olby, Head of the Student Programme in Operation Smile Singapore, specially came down to give a very motivating introductory speech about Operation Smile. Mr Thaddeus Lawrence was also invited to share more about his upcoming marathon for Operation Smile. His story and goals inspired many and we are glad the 40 or so students had a chance to be touched by Justyn and Thaddeus. The sharing session resulted in a lot of interested applicants for the Student Chapter and it is heartening to see so many people wanting to touch the lives of others, one smile at a time. We hope that Operation Smile and the true stories of cleft lip patients around the world will continue to resoundin other schools through talks similar to this.

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