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Thursday, 7 April 2011

Fourth Comprehensive Care Centre in India

Operation Smile has opened its fourth Comprehensive Care Center in Guwahati, India. The centre will treat more than 5,000 children each year for facial deformities. The new Care Centre is part of Operation Smile’s core programme to create self-sustaining healthcare networks. Operation Smile currently operates 11 Comprehensive Care Centres worldwide. Dr. Bill Magee, CEO and Co-founder of Operation Smile, said, “Operation Smile is not only committed to helping the thousands of children in Assam who are waiting for surgery, but we’re dedicated to creating sustainable medical treatment for children worldwide long after our medical missions are over. Our Care Centers provide children and families access to medical treatment who otherwise wouldn’t be able to receive it. More than creating new smiles, we are giving these children hope for a healthy and more productive future.”

The Care Centres provide patient care beyond surgery such as post-operative care, counseling, speech therapy, dentistry, orthodontics, nutrition, and ongoing training and education.

Find out more about Operation Smile’s work in Guwahati at

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